Book Your Reading

 Depending on where you were and what time it was when you were born on planet Earth, you have a unique blueprint to who you are. 

All I need is your birth info (birthday, time, and place) and we will have your natal chart. A natal chart is a snapshot of the sky at the moment in time you were born from the place where you were born. It shows us exactly how the stars were relating to you on Earth at that time. That is what Astrology is all about.

I’m here to help you feel safe and seen. You are magnificent. From that place, I will stand beside you as you reconnect to your true self and how you are meant to use your gifts this lifetime. True Activation.

Walk away with clear directives on next steps and timing as well as homework to work on. The planets are always moving and this has an effect on us here on Earth. Astrology is all about cycles and so much guidance can come from understanding the movement of the planets and how they are affecting you right now.

Schedule Your Reading

Bring Astrological insight to your party or event.


Are you hosting an event and want to make it memorable and mix it up? Do something different and give your guests the gift of knowing themselves from a fresh perspective. I’m available for small parties and events to give everyone mini readings. We can look at synastry between the group or dive into specific themes. It can be as light and fun as you want or we can go deep into your soul wisdom. Reach out and let’s set something up that works for you. Let’s have fun together!