My Story.


Astrology gives us a language to better understand ourself, others and the collective.

In our work together, vulnerability is a such a big part of the process. I can’t ask you to be open without opening up myself.

Here’s part of my story.

My story begins with a decade long battle with chronic illness.


In 2014, I was brought to my knees. My body was screaming and I had no idea why. I spent many weeks crying on the floor convinced I had a brain tumor and a terminal illness. My body had been subtly trying to get me to pay attention for years, but I needed something louder to wake up.  

That 6 month period of intense illness was the catalyst for my physical, emotional, and energetic healing journey that I am still on today. It all coincided with something we call a Saturn Return in Astrology. This is an astrological coming of age and activation point; A wake up moment every individual experiences to a unique degree at a certain age.

My first attempt at healing was purely physical and unfortunately I got really sick again in 2017/2018. It wasn’t until I found myself on a tiny island in the Bahamas doing karma yoga at an Ashram that I started to realize healing wasn’t purely physical, there was an emotional, energetic, and spiritual component to it as well. 

Without my illness I would still be living my life with my eyes closed — disconnected from my emotional body, from my internal wisdom, and from spirit. Before I got sick I was always pushing and trying to will things into existence, now I am learning to soften and trust that I am supported.  

Since 2014 my entire life has been dedicated to healing every part of me from the inside out. 

Any of you dealing with chronic illness know that you ask the big why

Why me? Why am I sick? What did I do wrong? How do I get better? 

It wasn’t until I found Astrology that I was able to interpret and understand my story on a new level. Now I understand why I got sick. I understand what I need to do to heal. I have a language to dance and work with it, so it no longer feels so scary and like I did something wrong. It is never black and white, but Astrology led me to realize how sensitive I am and that you cannot separate emotions from the body. Chronic illness warriors, this is HUGE. 

After finding Astrology, I was able to move away from the victim standpoint into a much more empowered place where I was at the center of my life again. I am still healing. I still struggle with my physical and emotional health. But I understand who I am and what I came to learn this lifetime from such a deeper level, that my entire attitude and energy around this has shifted. Less resistance and more ease. I feel seen and understood. 

It is from this place we can truly heal.  

Since diving deep into Astrology, working and training closely with Debra Silverman, the way I interact with the world has dramatically changed. I am learning to surrender, trust, and flow with the rhythm of the cosmos. I am not saying that life is easy now, but I have gained so much perspective that really helps me to stay grounded and connected during challenging times.

I have reconnected to my personal power.

That is what Scorpio energy is all about.

Outside of Astrology, I love to play outside, dance, eat yummy food, and spend time with animals and friends. I have a strong love for Romance languages and travel. I try to nourish myself as much as possible through the bounty of Mother Earth.

Before becoming an Astrologer, I worked in sustainable agriculture and poverty reduction for 9 years and that career took me all over the world- I lived abroad in Mexico, Central America and East Africa. I have a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies and a Master’s degree in Public Administration and International Relations.

As a true 6th house Sun, I have always been dedicated to service.


I have a pup named Kashi - who is from Aruba and we go on lots of adventures together.

He is a sensitive Pisces, just like me.

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I am a Taurus Sun

I am a lover of nature and this is where I feel most connected and grounded. Nature is my teacher and the place I go to connect to spirit. 

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As a Pisces Moon

I am an empath, intuitive and connect with spirit on a regular basis. This enables me to connect with you on an energetic level and feel where we need to take your reading. 

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As a Scorpio Rising

My entire life has been about transformation. Through darkness we find light, beauty, and take flight.


Debra Silverman has been one of my closest spiritual and astrological mentors. I learned directly from her and her top Astrologers.

I am a Master Mentor for the Applied Astrology school & Certified Astrologer with Debra Silverman. I have also studied with Kelly Sutrees, Rebecca Gordon, Malika Semper, and Malena Metz extensively.

Studying in Debra’s school re-ignited a knowledge that was already inside of me. Astrology connects me to my personal power and ignites my gifts so that I can be in highest service to the world. It also provides light during more challenging times. Remember, no matter where you are in your healing journey there will always be tough days. That is what being human is all about.


Astrology teaches you a language to use for your soul’s evolution and gives you the permission you’ve been needing to hear your whole life.

Welcome home.

— Kristen Masi, Astrologer

Find your alchemy